The Truth: Seller 001

Hi Defnewz, we would like to be the first one to speak out for ourselves and other sellers who have come across some of the hardships that buyers put us on.

1. MIA Buyers / Backout Buyers
We've come across buyers who ask us a billion questions in few emails about one item, and then went MIA with no reason given. Yes, we know it is buyers' rights to get as much information as you could before deciding on a buying, but please do inform the sellers if you're no longer interested to have it rather than just went MIA!

Besides, there's buyers who asked for restock with their promising of no backout last minute by providing all their contact details and backout last minute when the stock has arrived, you got no ideas why you couldn't get them! You tried to contact them via email, sms or call, they just don't reply and answer you at all. To backout buyers, please be considerable on the sellers who spent their time, their efforts and their money to restock the items you requested!! What would you feel if you're one of the sellers? Be considerable please!!

2. COD Buyers
Yes, we all know some of the sellers provide COD for buyers, but not all the sellers do. Come on! This is internet / online shopping where the main mode of delivery is by postage. Please do not request unnecessary COD arrangement from those sellers who don't provide COD. Please be understandable.

3. I want it now! Buyers
We also come across with few buyers who want their order the next day after payment made. Please be understandable that most of the sellers are students or full time employed, hence it is obviously we got classes, assignments, exams or works. Hence, some sellers (which included us) only ship / send the orders out on Saturday except the first Saturday of the month (please read the terms carefully, we did remark it at our blog), so please be considerable.

Thanks you for time and consideration. Peace!!
And, thanks Defnewz for posting it up! Thanks again!

- from one of the blogshops in Malaysia -

* To voice out your e-shopping experiences as the above, click here for details.


De Mythz | 25.5.10

Thank to Seller 001 who raised up their voice on behalf all the sellers!

To buyers, after reading the post by Seller 001, please try to understand from sellers side too, give and take, so that both side could make the online shopping easier.

Thank you, Defnewz for posting this up! Thank!

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